Wali Songo Muslim Missionaries
As an historical figure, Sunan Kudus is difficult to pin down. An inscription discovered above the mihrab in the Al Aqsa Mosque in Kudus reveals that the building was founded in 956 H (A.D. 1549) by Ja'far Shodiq, who is generally identified with Sunan Kudus. The names 'Ja'far Shodiq' and even 'Kudus' itself, however, have puzzled historians, since the former was the name of an 8th century Persian Imam (Muslim spiritual leader), and Kudus (Arabic Al Quds = Holy City) was the ancient name for the city of Jerusalem. What, if any, are the connections ? Local Javanese sources state that Sunan Kudus was a man of great learning, as well as a poet and philosopher.
The Other Wali
The Walisongo
- Maulana Malik Ibrahim
- Sunan Ampel
- Sunan Giri
- Sunan Bonang
- Sunan Drajat
- Sunan Kudus
- Sunan Kalijaga
- Sunan Muria
- Sunan Gunung Jati