General Conditions

Mountainous areas of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park was stated firstly as a national park based on a letter of Statement of The Agrarian Minister Number : 736 / Mentan / X / 1982 on the date of October 14 th 1982 on area of 58,000 ha.
After having applied a limitation order of the budgetary year of 1983 / 1984 until the budgetary year of 1995 / 1996 on the area, there issued the letter of designation for it as Taman National Bromo Tengger Semeru ( Bromo Tengger Semeru Park ) based on a letter of decision of the Agrarian Minister Number : 278 / KptsVI / 1997 on May 23 rd 1997 that included an area of 50,276.20 ha.

Potentials of is ecosystem or natural resources that ground the designation of the area as a national park area :

  1. Natural phenomena caused uniquely by or as volcanic activities of Mt.Tengger have become 5 (five) mountains :
    • Mt. Bromo ( 2,392 m high asl.(above sea level ),
    • Mt. Batok (2,40 m asl. )
    • Mt. Widodaren ( 2,614 m asl. )
    • Mt. Watangan ( 2,601 m asl. ) and
    • Mt. Kursi ( 2,581 m asl ),
    • and a wide Laut Pasir ( Sand Sea ) caused by its eruption.
    • Besides Mount Semeru is the highest mountain in Java Island and it is now still an active volcano.
  2. A scarce endemic flora of family Orchidaceeae has 40 scarceorchid types, 15 of which are endemic in East Java, and 3 of them are typical South Semeru, those are Malaxis purprreonervosa, Meleola wetteana, and Liparis rhodocila. Besides there are also Corybas fornicatus ( red pearl orchid ) and Mavodes petola which are protected by Laws.
  3. Hydrological Potential as water resouce area for several important river bank areas ( DAS ) in East Java for example DAS Brantas. This hydrological potential is very famous as life support system.

In strengthening treatment of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area intensively, its treatment has been started sic\nce 1984/1985 by Natural Resources Conservation IV through development of Suaka Alam and forest of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park project until 1992/1993. Then in 1992 Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is legal as Technical Operator Unit (UPT) of Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam based on descision letter of Forest Minister No. 1049/Kpts-II/1992 date November 12, 1992 in 1997 through decision letter of Forest Minister No.185/Kpts-II/1997 date March 31, 1997 Bromo Tengger Semeru organization structure changed as Balai Taman Bromo Tengger Semeru.

The main duty Balai Taman Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is doing the treament of National Park (Bromo Tengger Semeru) area for plant natural resource conservation and its ecosystem based on the related role.