Rosario Inn Nazaret

At Elbow Cave of Maria Lourdes Pub Den there are 3 ( Maisonette Rosary fruit three) of Nazaret opened by is Bishop olch of Surabaya on 26 December 1999 at the same time with opening of Cave of Maria Lourdes and Opening Of Celebration Of Glorious Yubileum [of] Year 2000 in Puh Den.

Maisonette Rosary represent a dressy house of Java, style of joglo open in wall there are pictures of events which concerning life of Yesus and of Maria which is contemplated in Rosary prayer.

The picture there are in glass and become clear looked to be if tooing existing neon in that picture is flamed, become word may neonbox sepcrti. There is three woke up Maisonette as according to three mystery network which is contemplated in Rosary prayer that is Happy Event, Sorrowful Event and August Event.

Rosary or of Rosari is an prayer network along with contemplation event of Bible, which is conducted. constructively with refer to wedge. wedge form prayer composition as rose garland (= rosa, in Latin Ianguage ) and is in consequence referred as by rosarium later;then in Indonesian become Rosary. Rosary come from year 1409 when St Dominikus of Prusia (± 1460) monk of Ordo Kartusian mcnambahkan meditate kinds of event [at] sctiap ten Greeting Maisonette Rosary of Nazaret Maria.

About 1475 Dominikan pater-pater in Koln ( Jerman) get 15 event, which is prayer of puluh year is later;then praised by Pope. Thereby Rosary get its for like this time. Habit use seed to pray ( tasbih) have become habit far previously. In whereas Church East circle, rosary consist of 100 or 107 seed and do not always relate to Maria, but simply just prayers network.

Rosary prayer entirely consist of fifteen event of history of penyclamatan which there are in Bible. That Event is five event of childhood of Yesus ( happy event), five from His misery ( sorrowful event) and five from life of Yesus and of Maria after glorified ( august event). Hence rosari have pattern to of Kristologis, because trying to follow mcrasakan what felt by Mother of Maria in events which concerning Have childing him of Yesus
Pope of Yohanes XXIII tell : " Fifteen event of Rosari represent fifteen window for me for the mcmandang of world in God light." ( Is Borrowed Ideas From By Ensklopedi The Roman Catholic, Bind IV, Institution Create Loka Caraka, Jakarta 1992, hlm 121 - 122).

This place is called by Maisonette Rosary of Nazaret because Nazaret is place where Mother of Maria remain and accept Glad News of Malaekat Gabriel, that he is selected to become Ms. Expert of Selamal. In our Bible read for example that way : " In sixth month;moon of Allah order angel of Gabriel go to a town in so called Galilea of Nazaret, to a engaged with maiden a is so called of Yusuf of David family - name of that maiden of Maria." ( Luk 1:26-27)

Yesus even also later;then during through years live in town of Nazaret so that He is known as by Yesus of Nazaret, child a so called carpenter of Yusuf. " And sctelah finish scmua which must be conducted according to God law, return them to its birth town, that is town of Nazaret in Galilea. Allakitll growing larger and become strength, full of and blessing of allah love grant from above there is at Him." ( Luk2:39-40).

With existence of Maisonette Rosary all peziarah can solemnly pray and assisted with existing visualisation in wall Verandah of ancient palace of Rosary. This Place can is also used for misa in small group, more or less 100 one who sit lesehan in floor. Plan of Maisonette Rosary conducted by Ir. A.S. Rusli and of Ir. Harry Widayanto while workmanship of picture picture conducted by Mr. Agus of Surabaya. Development of Maisonette Rosary of is including quickly because only requiring time about just six-month.