Puh Sarang Church,
Javanese Architecture Review

Catholic church in puh den build by i.. henricus maclaine pont ( the year 1936-1937), he also handle development of museum in trowulan, mojokerto, which menyimpan empire fossil majapahit. church building puh den look like building museum trowulan, hence by seeing church now we can imagine how form of museum trowulan formerly scorpion.

heard news that small church in puh den, around 10 kms westside kediri is completed renovated. news like this sebenarya so-so, because ancient church in mountain foot of wilis have been the several renovated. now, roof head frame wood bars have been changed steel bars that form " original him" still awake.
goods times defended it form of like " original him" this relate to requirement to maintain positive image inkulturasi catholic church roma at local culture Java. Iesson of what is earning we to take away from ancient church being built during colonial in this jawa ground ?


Small church in puh den likely is last masterpiece is architect " hybrid " birth jatinegara : henri maclaine pont ( 1884 - 1971), before is leave jawa during around world war ii. this unique masterpiece because remaining the only artifact which is experiment of architect in interpreteng architecture roof jawa as a tent.
One of contribution pont be the business developing tent structure that is is widely applied primitive public and usage of bamboo becoming structure bodywork. at interpretation of maclaine pont which is abnormal this is actually unique which very seen when people enter this small church. for common people that thing is possibly assumed too ordinary. exceptionally result of experiment of the the architect hidden for their eye, indirectly confirm adagium " eye will only look at what which have become enthusiasm."

Modernist architect le courbusier have ever advised " have eye capable to see" if wish to learn architecture. architecture of course related with visible thing, object being looked on, so that no wonder a building is often considered as conspecific is fine arts.

Along the length of history him, people study building with fine arts method: proportion, composition, scale, colour, light, symbolizing langgam, etcetera. at things being found after activity to build that completed and not at process when one element of building attributed to other element, when material one stringed up with other material.

This last things only often delivered at worker hand. architect " main worker" that ought to be man who know about procedure to handle material and knew about aesthetic quality from result finally. lanthanum in having masterpiece is hence claimed to entangle tangan,kaki and all organ beside eye, kindness mind and goal likely. building is not swan song of visual which only be delicate looked into eye only.


Experiment pont in puh den also show enthusiasm in playing the part of x'self as constructor man. earn we to feel again that thing is through?via sketch and photograph being presented in book ben f. van leerdam, ben speurtocht naar bet wezenllijke van de javaanse architectuz presenting pont as a zestful to trace real jawa architecture. to we can see again motif gesticulating constructor man originally in olden times.

Puh den is eskperimen continuation from experiment of similar when build museum archaeology in trowulan is crumpling knocked over wind in year 1960-an. its analysis at some house images jawa, good being seen its is as described at temple relief, in mountain country house dieng, arrowroot, brass, cirebon, semarang, casket, banyumas, pasuruan, finite is palace verandah of ancient palace surakarta and yogyakarta send it at conclusion altogether begin from transient structure so called tent.

Its field elite with public ? people house in rural jawa, when working for on duty health of public make it is be alive to bamboo material and then is entangle to dalarn polemic melawari regulations of government prohibiting usage of bamboo as component of building because anticipated to to become medium to infect of pestal epidemy. non bambunva which must be prohibited used, but repair at technique in utilizing the which must be laboured it. E
nthusiasm in him exploring allocable possibility is wood, stone, brick, and bamboo and is really inspiratif. at his masterpieces is seen that for him[s architecture is not statue being dwelt or a painting being attached at firmament of opinion?sight, but is really building a composition tesusun from his material that man like and kerasan to live in dalarn him.

Architecture is case buildig, case string up and uphold material one with other to fight against gravitation tending to interesting collapsed to the ground. hence from that, at facet tektonika that is is look and percoban pallet him(it. at trial and error activity of visible this how same job between hands holding material with imagination ( analysis and synthesis) humanitarian in delivering birth new finding ( discoveries).


This church wanted for built with situation jawa. the hill is aspect it as formation of yard terrace;core being affirmed by fence and stone spandrel culminating his is crowned light wood building, transient and likely float like tent being bound among earth and sky.

building in front of him is terrace;core building is having roof to boost becoming sharp in tip of his(its back part is alike boat form, and so do some other building masses around yard apply this type roof. integer stones, sand, and gravel taken away from local times, and so do brick got from combustion closest, while teak and all iron material ( anker bolt, cable, plate etcetera) must be delivered from kediri.

Integer stoney being compiled by betonjolan to become fence, spandrel, and bell tower still defended his natural as stone teronggok. and so do expression tekstural in arising from material let to be natural, diguyur by natural from roof top, powerfully show this building really as art building.

Herewith, hence building have Java roof to " finding return" clinched Mentioned Pont to sliver in place impressing we have recognize previously, but at a time newly, although is not at all plagiarize Java house roof form. Local is thereby underlined. Strength of its eskpresi it him this fitt in with to be applied by at The Roman Catholic architecture link with ritus that goes on in it is true oblige people body come into contact with various quality of materials tekstural : hand touching water when entering building which must shake hand by hand you believe in right and left, nose which is frankincense aroma mengendus escorting prayer, light suggesting eye for flange at tabernakel ( Latin: tabernaculum = tent), altar desk and symbol of sakral, tongue which must bread mencecap " do not berasa" in top moment, ear which must hear to burble prayer formula.
This entirety develop;build circular atmosphere, each other is interconnected. Ritus that goes on in that building it is true have invited water, brick, aroma, wood, glass to involve into discovery of human being with " Godlike"

Delay at its place as great as conducting army repeat into him remind us at problem of tension among global and local. For centuries the the duration relation among local civilization (Java) with civilization outside him have taken place without generating care like now.
Enthusiasm of Pont pull back meaningless Java architecture will find quit of java which is non-Jawa. Its exploration bring conclusion, that java reside in along with big tradition of other culture. Building above this hill have become place find him of sky - earth, human being - God is, long - bau, Kristen-Kejawen, Roma-Puh Den, Java - Dutch, colonized - colonist, harsh - have to, laymen - klerus, external - in.

Masterpiece of Maclaine Pont have at its epoch. Is not too useful imitate form or roof of pernak-pernik fence and engraving which he have make. More be of benefit to us in present day to take Iesson of its case.

First Iesson able to be pulled from last masterpiece of Maclaine Pont in that Java is by emphasizing facet of wake up - developing from what referred as by that architecture bring us to stare at directly of activity which it is true become especial workdload a architecture : developing.

Kedua, bila arsitektur disebut sebagai seni membangun maka hal itu adalah tindakan menghadirkan, membikin tampak fitrah manusia berikut tangis dan tawanya, sesal dan harapannya, maupun fitrah alam dan benda-benda. Tindakan seperti itu memungkinkan penyatuan kembali, pengumpulan kembali benda-benda dengan eksistensi. Dalam paparan mengenai ritus yang berlangsung di dalam gereja di atas jelaslah bahwa benda-benda yang "tersentuh" tubuh dan yang ditampakkan sebagaimana kodratnya dapat dilibatkan ke dalam dunia batin manusia. Yang rohani dan ragawi saling meresapi.

Ketiga, kesibukan Maclaine Pont dalam bereskperimen dengan model untuk menguji hipotesisnya tentang atap rumah Jawa memperlihatkan kedaulatan (otoritas) profesional dia sebagai arsitek yang bertanggung jawab untuk memberi bentuk. Kedaulatan seperti ini tampak romantik pada masa sekarang karena modus produksi arsitek sekarang sudah menjadi bagian dari mesin produksi yang anonim, menjauhkan dari alam yang langsung dapat disentuh.

Keempat, ketertambatan pada tempat yang konkrit menjadi menarik diangkat pada masa kini berhubung dengan isu globalisasi. Amat kecil peluang arsitek Indonesia memenangkan persaingan dengan arsitek dan korporasi kapitalis global bila kita tidak tertambat pada tempat sendiri Memandang arsitektur dari segi bangun-membangunnya memiliki harapan untuk itu karena memberi tempat pada sejarah dan lokalitas: tidak mengulang bentuk dan langgam yang reproduktif, namun kembali pada tradisi bangun membangun yang bertolak dari perlakuan terhadap bahan yang digunakan.

(Mahatmanto, pengajar sejarah arsitektur di Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta),