Tourism Destinatons
Pecut Park in Blitar City, East Java Province
Blitar City has a simple vacation spot to enjoy family recreation and relaxation. The name is Pecut Park and it is located in Kepanjen Lor Village and belongs to Kepanjenkidul Sub-District. The exact location is Merdeka Street! Not to mention it resides exactly in the south part of Blitar Square or Alun-Alun Blitar. In terms of name, “Pecut” means a whip. Even though the park looks regular in the morning or afternoon, it becomes merrier and more beautiful at night (especially on Friday night when many locals and tourists gather on the site).
The Nuance
The nuance is peaceful both in the morning and afternoon. Tourists can only find a giant whip statue located in the midst of the park. This iconic statue becomes the main allure of the park, after all. At, night, colorful fountains appear and the nuance becomes merrier due to a high number of visitors. The fountains sprout beautifully, as well. Plus, the management turns on music and makes the park getting more crowded. Even those who pass through the park are likely to drop by for a while before continuing their trip.
Exploring Pecut Park
The question is what tourists may do in Pecut Park. Usually, people come in the morning and afternoon for casual sports like jogging. They want to enjoy the clean and shooting atmosphere of the site, as well. At those times, many kids also play around happily. Some people also come for appreciating the modern design of the park. Thanks to the ample facilities. Everyone would feel comfortable to spend much time in the park.
Visitors are also interested in the history of Pecut Park. As mentioned before, the name derives from the iconic hand statue that holds a whip. Why is that? According to the locals, the whip was once one of Kanjeng Pangeran Sosrohadinegoro’s (the third Blitar’s regent) relics. It is said he used the whip to prevent Kelud Mountain’s lava from coming near to Blitar back then. After hearing the story, tourists should also enjoy photography there. They can simply take photos in front of the statue or fountains. Those who come with friends or families can also hang out comfortably on the site.
Another impressive allure is definitely the colorful fountains in the evening. One thing, tourists must know the exact schedule before coming to Pecut Park. According to the locals, it is done at the weekend and big holidays. The fountain attraction starts at 7.30 pm and ends at 9 pm! Thus, everyone should not miss the chance to watch it! At the time, the nuance would be merry, without a doubt.
Nearby Attractions
- Blitar Square
- Blitar Great Mosque
- Templek Market
How to Get There
For those coming from Surabaya City or the capital of East Java Province, they need to take Surabaya – Mojokerto Highway in order to reach Blitar City. For the information, the distance is 155 km, so this trip may take around 3 hours and 30 minutes. Once arriving at Blitar or downtown, tourists can simply walk to Pecut Park by taking Lawu Street. The distance is 1.2 km, so it takes around 14 minutes by walking.
Where to Stay
- Tugu Sri Lestari Hotel
- Puri Perdana Hotel
- Airy Hotel
- Sri Rejeki Hotel

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