Tourism Destinatons
Jebring Beach in Blitar City, East Java Province
A nice region like Blitar City should be tourists’ destination when spending a long holiday or weekends. Even though it is known for the highlands, Blitar also has some beautiful beaches. For example, there is Jebring beach in Wonotirto Sub-District. The exact location is in Ngadipuro Village. In fact, Ngadipuro is famous for its stunning beaches and Jebring is one of them. According to the locals, tourists can even find 11 recommended beaches there! Jebring is located in the westernmost of it, though. Aside from the superior beauty, it is also considered the widest one.
The Nuance
The official name is Jebring Watu Payung Beach. The shoreline features black sand instead of the white one. Still, the texture is quite soft. In the past, in fact, the locals often mined iron ores, which was contained there. The next noticeable feature is indeed the beautiful blue sea with its fierce waves. Thus, it is not recommended to swim there. What is more? As mentioned before, Jebring Beach is considered the widest. In the west part of it, tourists may find a big estuary as well! As for the east part, there is a tall cliff with its majestic appearance. Another feature is none other than coral reefs that reside on the shore, getting hit by waves continuously. One of them has a similar shape of an umbrella, in fact! This explains why the locals call it “Watu Payung”, which means the stone of umbrella.
Exploring Jebring Beach
The popularity is well, so Jebring Beach has lots of visitors, without a doubt. Beach walking and sightseeing become the two most popular tourist activities there. The soft-textured black shoreline is suitable for an exploration, after all. Tourists don’t even need to wear footwear while beach walking! Another reason is the shoreline is both wide and long, so it is able to accommodate lots of visitors at once. Why is the black color, actually? The shoreline contains iron ores!
While exploring Jebring Beach, tourists should get to the west part of the site where a big estuary resides. After arriving at the site, they can enjoy photography and relaxation. The nuance is peaceful and soothing, after all. Not to mention this site has lots of Cemara Udang trees that grow around the estuary. At noon, tourists can take advantage of the trees to avoid the heat of the sun, therefore.
Unfortunately, Jebring Beach is not suitable for swimming and water sports due to the big waves. Another consideration is related to foods and drinks. No vendors operate on the site, so tourists must carry snacks and bottled water when visiting the beach. It is also because the distance between the beach and local settlement is considered far.
Nearby Attractions
- Princen Beach
- Pangi Beach
- Serang Beach
How to Get There
The first destination is definitely Blitar Beach and the trip duration depends on where tourists come from. For those coming from Surabaya City, they may spend about 3 hours and 30 minutes. It is because the distance is 155 km. For a faster trip, it is recommended to take Surabaya – Mojokerto Highway. After arriving at Blitar, tourists should take Tlogo – Serut Street. The distance between the downtown and the beach is 34.2 km, so the trip may take around 1 hour and 17 minutes.
Where to Stay
- Arbelia Residence

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