Tourism Destinatons
Pangi Beach in Blitar City, East Java Province
Only some passionate travelers and tourists know the presence of beautiful beaches in Blitar City. Have no worries. Those who never visited the region can simply as their local guide to find more information about those beaches. One of them is called Pangi Beach, which is located in Krajan Village at Bakung Sub-District. It completes the region’s collection when it comes to southern beaches. After all, Blitar is the southernmost regency of East Java Province. What makes it different than others, though? The beach offers a complete allure of the coast. These include solemn sea scenery, majestic corals, and comfy atmosphere!
The Nuance
The first impression is definitely the allure. Pangi Beach has a similar sea characteristic as compared to other southern beaches. The waves are definitely fierce and big. That means visitors should avoid swimming in the midst of the sea. As an alternative, they should find some best spots for playing water. For instance, it is located near to the coral cliff. The big waves become smaller as it crashes to the rocks, after all. Thus, the seawater becomes safer for swimming. The fact is the beach is flanked by coral cliff on both sides!
Exploring Pangi Beach
The first thing that tourists can enjoy in Pangi Beach is definitely the beautiful sea scenery. Aside from that, the shoreline has a big coral cliff on its side. Those things often become a background for photography, in fact. While enjoying sightseeing and photography, tourists should walk around the soft-textured shoreline as well. The white sandy shoreline impresses everyone with its stunning appearance, too. Thus, beach walking is quite recommended!
The next thing to do is swimming. It is true Pangi Beach features big waves in nature. Thanks to coral cliffs that flank the shore. The waves become smaller when reaching the shoreline. That means everyone can swim safely as long as they are within the limit area. As an alternative, tourists should reach a certain area where brackish lake resides. It is located at the estuary and the size is considered wide. Not to mention it is suitable for swimming and playing water! The fact is many mangrove trees grow and surround the site!
Pangi Beach is considered a new vacation destination in Blitar City. No wonder, the nuance is peaceful enough for relaxation due to a small number of visitors. Plus, the environment is quite clean and neat. The presence of pine trees also increases the comfort quality of the shoreline. Some people, these days, choose the beach as the place for camping, in fact! The best spot to build the tent is indeed under the pine trees.
Nearby Attractions
- Gayasan Beach
- Legundi Beach
- Luweng Sanggung Bendo
How to Get There
From Surabaya City, tourists can simply take Surabaya – Mojokerto Highway and head to Blitar City right away. The distance between these cities is 155 km, so the trip would take about 3 hours and 30 minutes. Once arriving at Blitar, the next destination is Krajan Village where Pangi Beach is located. This time, tourists should take Raya Trisula Street. The distance is 32.3 km, so the trip may take around 1 hour and 8 minutes.
Where to Stay
- Pak Kentong Homestay

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