Obyek Wisata
Masjid Agung Sumenep

Masjid Agung Sumenep ini terletak di jantung kota Sumenep, tepatnya di depan Tamana Kota Adipura. Masjid ini merupakan salah satu masjid tertua di Indonesia yang memiliki ciri design yang dipengaruhi oleh gaya Islam, Cina dan Eropa.
Akulturasi design yang langsung bisa dilihat adalah dari pintu gerbangnya, yang terlihat kokoh layaknya sebuah benteng di Roma dengan pintu kayu kuno. Masjid ini di bangun oleh Tumenggung Arya Notokusumo I, yang terkenal dengan Panembahan Sumolo.
Masjid ini dibangun setelah pembangunan Kraton Sumenep dengan arsitek yang sama dengan pembangunan Kraton yaitu, Lauw Piango. Masjid ini mulai dibangun sejak tahun 1198 H atau 1779 Masehi dan selesai pada tahun 1206 H atau 1787 M.
Setelah pembangunan masjid ini selesai, Pangeran Notokusuma memberikan wasiat yang harus dipatuhi, dan berbunyi:
"Masjid ini adalah Baitullah, berwasiat Pangeran Natakusuma penguasa di negeri/keraton Sumenep. Sesungguhnya wasiatku kepada orang yang memerintah (selaku penguasa) dan menegakkan kebaikan. Jika terdapat Masjid ini sesudahku (keadaan) aib, maka perbaiki. Karena sesungguhnya Masjid ini wakaf, tidak boleh diwariskan, dan tidak boleh dijual, dan tidak boleh dirusak."
Sejak saat itu, masyarakat sekitar masjid selalu berpartipasi untuk mengurus masjid ini agar selalu kuat menghadapi waktu.

The Most Beautiful Islands in Sumenep Madura, Its Enchantment Spoils the Eyes
Not inferior to other cities in East Java, Madura Island also has interesting natural beauty. Each region has its own charm, Sumenep is no exception. In addition to its delicious culinary, Sumenep also has beautiful islands. Some islands even still have few visitors. Curious where is it? Check out this list of the most beautiful islands in Sumenep, Madura, East Java! White sand and clear water, Gili Labak is one of the favorite destinations for tourists. Every corner of this island feels Instagrammable. Gili Labak or Gili Lawak, is one…
Sapangkor Besar Island
Sapangkor Besar Island Sapangkor Besar island is one of islands in Kangean archipelago. It administratively located in Sumenep regency, Madura, East Java, and lies between Sapangkor Kecil in the west, Saur island in the east, Paliat island in south and Bali island in north. Sapangkor Besar is such a rich and fertile island, which all of the nature sources are available like agriculture, plantation, salt works, forest, and fisheries. The nearest island to this Sepangkor Besar is Sepangkor Kecil, and we can cross by using small boat or even by…
Mamburit Island, Madura
Mamburit Island Mamburit island is one of islands in Kangean archipelago and it administratively located in Sumenep regency, Madura, East Java. Mamburit Island is located on the western side of Kangean island and it lies for about 500 M and an approximately length of 1,000 M for which on the north coast is having 1 km in length. There is a lighthouse in the island, and it can be reach during the sunset to see a dramatic nuance of the twilight. The island has a population of approximately 1,000 people,…
Pagerungan Besar Island – Madura
Pagerungan Besar Pagerungan beasar is one of the islands in Kangean islands group. The island is located at the east of Pagerungan Kecil island. Administratively, the island is located in the Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia. Pagerungan Besar Island is such a remote island that located within 60 Miles of Bali island. From the historical records, Pagerungan island had been invented and populated since the early 1910s. But now the island has been etched in the history of oil in Indonesia as a natural gas-producing region. Until now many oil companies…