Tourism Destinatons
River Tubing
River Tubing is kind of adrenaline water sports that can be a choice to fill the weekend off. In Ponorogo, there is an unspoiled river for playing river tubing. One of the tourist destination in Ponorogo that often visited on Sundays is the river turbing, Mendak Lereng Wilis which is located in Wagir Kidul village, Pulung District. This tour successfully attracts visitors, 150 visitors on weekends and 50 visitors per normal day. Arriving at the start location, visitors will be greeted by cool forest and cold water that flows from Mount Wilis.
With hills atmosphere of the mount Wilis foothills, Mendak River in Wagir Kidul Village, Pulung District presents the sensation of playing river tubing with four levels at once. River tubing in Ponorogo is little different to river rafting, because it uses a truck tire with a rope in the middle as a holder for security or called 'tubing' by the tour manager. Other facilities are safety helmets, elbow and knee protectors, and life vests. Even the manager also provides free photographer facilities along the river.
The length of this river tubing that traversed is 2km. Along the river, in addition to enjoying the swift river, visitors also enjoy the natural expanse of rice fields. For women and children visitors, the tour manager suggests playing at the first level accompanied by a guide. While for adult visitors will be given a choice from level 1 to level 3.
Adult visitors are guided by guides around the river to the start location on the edge of the forest. The route will cross the green stretches of rice fields by walking about 15 minutes from the parking area. It is start in level two which above level one and ends below level one.
No need to worry about this river tubing activity, because there are some guards along the river, who oversee the participants from the risk of overturning or colliding with large rocks, or detached from tubing. This is because of the many rapids spots in this river. Here is the moment when visitors are addicted to try it again. Some participant who try it, out of curiosity to not be thrown from the tire. Another fun moment in river between the rocks, visitors will occasionally spin around until facing backwards.
Until the first finish, visitors who are curious about the next level will be accompanied by guides who are more experienced in the swift flow of water. The slope of the river is even more challenging. And, indeed the sensation really stimulates adrenaline. We will be led to the greater swift of water than level one and two. However, those of you who have high guts should try it to level three. While for level four, according to the guide, the path will be even more interesting. The best time to visit is in rainy season, where the water discharge is slightly larger but still safe for children. Plus the rice fields of the residents are verdant before being harvested to add fresh scenery.

The Mystical Art Dance Of Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that becomes the main identity from Ponorogo regency. By this traditional culture, Ponorogo is also famous as Reog city. This kind of traditional art dance and theatre has been popular in Indonesian even worldwide. Reog National Festival is being held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and followed by Grebeg Suro celebration. According to the background of the study, Reog is telling about the struggle of a prince who proposing his lovely pretty princess. This dance is staged about 25 –…
The Traditional Art Dance Of Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that becomes the main identity from Ponorogo regency. By this traditional culture, Ponorogo is also famous as Reog city. This kind of traditional art dance and theater has been popular in Indonesian even worldwide. Reog National Festival is being held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and followed by Grebeg Suro celebration. According to the background of the study, Reog is telling about the struggle of a prince who proposing his lovely pretty princess. This dance is staged about 25 –…
Grebeg Suro Ponorogo
Grebeg Ponorogo Is the biggest culture event in Ponorogo regency that held on a certain occasion of welcomed Islam New Year or Saka New Year that often known as one suro date (one of Javanese month). This agenda entered East Java tourism calendar (Calendar of event). Grebeg Suro is the ritual culture incident and became the party site of Ponorogo people. Usually it begun a week before 1 Suro. It is the series of Grebeg Suro agenda is Reog National festival, various good activity sorts the race and the exhibition…
Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that become the main identity for Ponorogo regency. Because of this, Ponorogo is also known as Reog city. This theatre has been known wide in Indonesian even foreign tourists. Reog National Festival is held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and Grebeg Suro celebration. Reog dance is also staged full moon nightly in paseban, Ponorogo Town Square. Reog told about the struggle for a prince who will propose to a lovely pretty princess . This dance is staged about 25 –…