Tourism Destinatons
Jenang Mirah
The famous souvenir from Ponorogo is Jenang Mirah. This Jenang or dodol becomes Ponorogo specialty food and has hunted as a souvenir. The texture is soft and not sticky, Ponorogo dodol different from the others. The taste of Jenang Mirah is so distinctive, the combination of sweet and tasteful is delicious.
The name Mirah comes from its originator named Mirah. Jenang Mirah has been exist since 1955. The creator of Jenang Mirah is a 75-year-old woman named Mbah Mirah, whose picture always displayed on the packaging. All lovers of Jenang Mbah Mirah will immediately know even though they just saw the packaging.
Jenang Mirah made from glutinous rice, coconut sugar and coconut milk without preservatives. So, the ingredients must be safe, free from chemicals. Jenang Mirah is sweet, tasty, and has distinctive fragrance. This jenang can stay out of package for one week. Although it has become a typical souvenir of Ponorogo, its process is still use traditional way, using stoves and firewood.
The process takes in enough time and can even take hours to fully cooked. So, it's make sense if the price is a little more expensive than general Jenang. Jenang Mirah packaging is divided into three sizes: small, medium and big. Even though it is made from natural ingredients, this jenang is not added to preservatives. This Jenang can last for weeks. So it is suitable used as souvenirs for family or friends when coming home from Ponorogo.

The Mystical Art Dance Of Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that becomes the main identity from Ponorogo regency. By this traditional culture, Ponorogo is also famous as Reog city. This kind of traditional art dance and theatre has been popular in Indonesian even worldwide. Reog National Festival is being held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and followed by Grebeg Suro celebration. According to the background of the study, Reog is telling about the struggle of a prince who proposing his lovely pretty princess. This dance is staged about 25 –…
The Traditional Art Dance Of Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that becomes the main identity from Ponorogo regency. By this traditional culture, Ponorogo is also famous as Reog city. This kind of traditional art dance and theater has been popular in Indonesian even worldwide. Reog National Festival is being held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and followed by Grebeg Suro celebration. According to the background of the study, Reog is telling about the struggle of a prince who proposing his lovely pretty princess. This dance is staged about 25 –…
Grebeg Suro Ponorogo
Grebeg Ponorogo Is the biggest culture event in Ponorogo regency that held on a certain occasion of welcomed Islam New Year or Saka New Year that often known as one suro date (one of Javanese month). This agenda entered East Java tourism calendar (Calendar of event). Grebeg Suro is the ritual culture incident and became the party site of Ponorogo people. Usually it begun a week before 1 Suro. It is the series of Grebeg Suro agenda is Reog National festival, various good activity sorts the race and the exhibition…
Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that become the main identity for Ponorogo regency. Because of this, Ponorogo is also known as Reog city. This theatre has been known wide in Indonesian even foreign tourists. Reog National Festival is held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and Grebeg Suro celebration. Reog dance is also staged full moon nightly in paseban, Ponorogo Town Square. Reog told about the struggle for a prince who will propose to a lovely pretty princess . This dance is staged about 25 –…