Tourism Destinatons
Pilgrimage Tour

Bathoro Katong Grave
Bathoro Katong grave is located in
Sentono village, Jenangan district, about 2 km to
the east from the centre of the city. Bathoro Katong
was the founder and the first Regent of Ponorogo and
also the leading figure of the disseminator of Islam
religion in Ponorogo.
He was the descendants of Brawijaya King from Majapahit
and Raden Patah Brother from Demak kingdom that was
the first Islam kingdom in Java. In this funeral complex
was also buried the other leading figure of Ponorogo,
that is Patih Seliaji and Kyai (the religious teacher)
Ageng Mirah.
In certain time especially in Suro month and Ruwah
(the Javanese calendar), in Bathoro Katong funeral
complex is often visited by many pilgrims who want
to pray for the soul who was buried.
This funeral complex is also believed by many people
as the effective place to pray, because of that, this
place was always busy by the visitors who have pilgrim.
Astana Srindil
The location is in the foot of hill in Badengan district about 15 km to the west from the centre of the city. That was buried the Regent Sumoroto and his descendants. It is often visited by the pilgrim on Tuesday Kliwon.
The Grave
of Raden Jayengrono Pulung
Jayengrono grave was the son from Haryo Mataundari Kasunanan
Whereas his mother was the descendants from Bathoro
Katong. Narrated when he opened the forest, he found
'pesing' (smelly that spread) flavoured citrus fruit,
so as the area named the Jeruksing. Further he moving
to the east that now named Pulung. This area became
the perdikan village. The grave of Merto Hadinegoro
Tajung was located in the Tajug village. Here in buried
R. Adipati Mertohatinegoro. The first Ponorogo regent
in the Middle city, he is Jayengrono and Bathoro Katong
The Tegal
Sari Mosque
was the old mosque the legacy of Kyai (the religious
teacher) Muhammad Besari that it seems was the descendants
from the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the mosque had studied
a person named Mas Burhan that in the future was known
as Raden Ronggo Warsito, of a big poet from the Surokarto
kingdom. This mosque was located in the Jetis district.
The Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School
was located in the Mlarak district, was the first
modern hut and the biggest in Indonesia.
Known nationally in fact to be international.
His student came from various neighbouring countries

The Mystical Art Dance Of Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that becomes the main identity from Ponorogo regency. By this traditional culture, Ponorogo is also famous as Reog city. This kind of traditional art dance and theatre has been popular in Indonesian even worldwide. Reog National Festival is being held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and followed by Grebeg Suro celebration. According to the background of the study, Reog is telling about the struggle of a prince who proposing his lovely pretty princess. This dance is staged about 25 –…
The Traditional Art Dance Of Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that becomes the main identity from Ponorogo regency. By this traditional culture, Ponorogo is also famous as Reog city. This kind of traditional art dance and theater has been popular in Indonesian even worldwide. Reog National Festival is being held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and followed by Grebeg Suro celebration. According to the background of the study, Reog is telling about the struggle of a prince who proposing his lovely pretty princess. This dance is staged about 25 –…
Grebeg Suro Ponorogo
Grebeg Ponorogo Is the biggest culture event in Ponorogo regency that held on a certain occasion of welcomed Islam New Year or Saka New Year that often known as one suro date (one of Javanese month). This agenda entered East Java tourism calendar (Calendar of event). Grebeg Suro is the ritual culture incident and became the party site of Ponorogo people. Usually it begun a week before 1 Suro. It is the series of Grebeg Suro agenda is Reog National festival, various good activity sorts the race and the exhibition…
Reog Ponorogo
Reog Ponorogo Reog is a traditional dance that become the main identity for Ponorogo regency. Because of this, Ponorogo is also known as Reog city. This theatre has been known wide in Indonesian even foreign tourists. Reog National Festival is held every years along the anniversary of Ponorogo regency and Grebeg Suro celebration. Reog dance is also staged full moon nightly in paseban, Ponorogo Town Square. Reog told about the struggle for a prince who will propose to a lovely pretty princess . This dance is staged about 25 –…