Tourism Destinatons
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Religious Destination
Historical Destination
Develope Destination
Handicraft Center
Traditional Destination
Nature Destination
Handicraft Center
Religious Destination
Historical Destination
Develope Destination
Traditional Destination
Dr. Soetomo Museum in Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province
A famous vacation destination resides in Nganjuk Regency and it has lured lots of tourists over time. The name is Dr. Soetomo Museum, which is located in Loceret Sub-District. The exact location is in Ngepeh Village, actually. The name derives from an important person, who was one of the founders of Boedi Utomo organization during the Kebangkitan Nasional era. The museum is located near to the downtown, so it is quite reachable. As for the function, it is primarily meant to keep historical items related to the person. Most of them are medical devices!
The Nuance
Despite the popularity, the number of visitors is not as many as major museums in big cities. This makes the nuance more peaceful and comfortable for an exploration, therefore. According to the keepers, the museum was built on an area of 2 hectares. The first thing to notice is definitely Dr. Soetomo Statue that resides in front of the hall. The statue is protected by fences, so visitors won’t be able to touch it. The garden looks standard and it features some big trees, as well. As for the building, it has a moderate size. Some locals are also seen in that area, herding goats!
Exploring Dr. Soetomo Museum
Before entering the museum, it is recommended to explore the exterior and the yard. Tourists can do several things too, including photography and sightseeing. The most favorite object to capture is definitely the statue, where people also often take selfies in front of it. The open hall also becomes visitors’ favorite place to explore, especially for resting and sitting. The size of the hall is big enough to accommodate lots of people, in fact.
The real fun is when tourists enter the museum. They can find many unique historical objects that related to Dr. Soetomo. Aside from medical items or devices, other collections are also available including his books (written in foreign languages), memorial photos, private pictures, and much more. For those who want to get further information regarding these items, they should hire a local guide either before or during the visit. This person may tell the complete history of the famous Boedi Utomo, too, in fact.
The only disappointment is that the museum has got old over time and hasn’t received significant attention from the local government. This explains why the maintenance is considered inferior to other museums. Despite the fact, visitors won’t regret visiting the site. They are able to collect good photos and learn some history, after all. It would be enough for their vacation.
Nearby Attractions
- Cinta Hill
- Taman Pintar
- Pandan Wilis Park
How to Get There
The prime destination is definitely Nganjuk Regency. For those coming from Surabaya City, in this case, the trip would take about 2 hours and 3 minutes. It is because the distance is 112 km. The first route to take is Surabaya – Mojokerto Highway. Next, tourists only need to use Mojokerto – Kertosono Highway and head to the downtown right away. After arriving at the downtown, it would take around 16 minutes to get to the museum, as the distance is 112 km. The best route to take for this trip is Raya Kediri – Nganjuk Street.
Where to Stay
- Gerung Hotel
- Wilis Indah Hotel

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