Tourism Destinatons
Kedung Cinet

Kedung Cinet is very dynamic, its nature fascinating interest everyone to see it. It is between the greenness forests, flow away in a river and the transparent scraping stones that seem to be whiteness, and make the natural beauty. Kedung Cinet, is a profile of forest tourism that awaking beauty in Jombang area.
It had said that Kedung Cinet is begins
from the place bath of soldier and waiting women in Mojapahit
era. Kedung Cinet is a place of resting, and take a bath
in transparency water, that flowing away with unwilled forest
Besides its beauty panorama of Kedung Cinet and the assess
history, make Kedung Cinet has own fascination as a tourism
Kedung Cinet is located about 10 kilometers from Brantas
Ploso Bridge, precisely in Pojok Klitih village. The visitor
can see the beautiful scenery in their journey, from fringing
the Brantas River until getting through the bridge “joggled"
that so preoccupy if it blown by wind, before arrive at
beautiful Kedung Cinet.
Kedung Cinet located in the middle of wilderness, commonly visited by a lot of peoples both, from around and domestic tourist. The natural beauty of Kedung Cinet seems so exciting; stones gap in river stream, stalactite and stalagmite that hang on and the beautiful, green, soft, transparent and cool natural forest panorama.

Remo Dance, The Originating East Java Traditional Dance
Remo Dance Remo dance is originating from Jombang regency, East Java. At early begin, this dance was used as an opening show before Ludruk show. In times, this dance is practically performed as a welcome dance in special occasion like state ceremonies and local arts festival. Remo dance is telling about the struggle of a prince in a battle. Hence, this dance is performed by a man, or today, it is performed by a woman who dressed up like a man. By that case, today, there is a type of…
The Attractive Movement of Remo Dance
Remo Dance Remo dance is originating from Jombang regency, East Java. At early begin, this dance was used as an opening show before Ludruk show. In times, this dance is practically performed as a welcome dance in special occasion like state ceremonies and local arts festival. Remo dance is telling about the struggle of a prince in a battle. Hence, this dance is performed by a man, or today, it is performed by a woman who dressed up like a man. By that case, today, there is a type of…
Mojowarno Church
Mojowarno Church Mojowarno’s Eastern Javanese Christian Church, a history witnesses whom stands still through times changes. As if almighty God whom stays inside, to be a King and a Father. The quotation above is come from the verse of the Bible, which shows the communities’ submission from its local inhabitant, whose trying so hard to construct the church to be an appropriate Abode. Starting from the hidden little garden, this Church was build. By being a minority in the middle of differences, this modesty church had transform dynamically with the…
Sayid Sulaiman Grave
Sayid Sulaiman Grave Friday ‘Legi’ (one of Javanese’s days) Night, the easier expression to remember a ritual activity of pilgrimage to Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman grave, which attended by thousands of people who coming from various place. It is beginning when Mbah Sayyid take hold as Wodli in Kanigoro, Pasuruan. When he had pilgrimage to waliulloh Mbah Raden Alif grave in Mancilan, Mojoagung, he was sick and finally he passed away in that place. This graveyard is in Mancilan, Mojoagung district. Moreover, it is easy to visit, because we can use…