Tourism Destinatons
About Jombang Regency

The land height of Jombang regency is consisted of 0 -
500 meters height on the sea, broadly 110152, 10 Ha, 500
- 700 meters as width as 5075,6 Ha and to 1000 meters
as width as 722,2 Ha.
The Situation of Climate and Weather of Jombang
The geography situation of Jombang Regency area is: 520"
- 530" East Longitudes and 720' and 745' south latitude
with 115950 Ha broadly regional or the 2,4 % of East Java
The Situation of climate especially the rainfall in Jombang
regency that laying on 500 meters height from sea level
has low rainfall that has range about 1750 - 2500 mm per
year. While for the area in more than 500 meters height
from the sea surface, the average of its rainfall reach
2500 mm per year.
Geography Situation
- The wide of the regency area is 115950 Ha: 1159,5 Km2.
- Unfold located between 720 ' and 745'. 520∫ South
Latitude - 530∫ East Longitudes.
*The regency area boundaries:
North side: Lamongan regency
South side: Kediri regency
Eastside: Mojokerto regency
Westside: Nganjuk regency
*Public administration consisted of 21 Districts and 301
countrysides, 5 sub-districts.
*The widest district is Kabuh district (13233 Ha) and
the smallest is Ngusikan district (34,980 Ha).
*The biggest rainfall is 1750 to 2500 mm per year.
Jombang Regency Demography
1. The Resident Number of Jombang Regency:
In 2002 is 1.143.531 of men that consisted of 561138 of
Men and 582393 of Women.
In 2003 is 1.155.449 of men that consisted of 570125 Men
and 585326 Women.
2. The biggest resident is in Jombang district (118156
men), while the solid is in Jombang district (3198 jiwa/Km2)
3. The Growth of resident in the 2000 to 2003 is increase
mean 0, 68 % per year. The Generation of job searcher
in 2003 is 9980, which consisted of 4620 of men and 5360
of women.

Remo Dance, The Originating East Java Traditional Dance
Remo Dance Remo dance is originating from Jombang regency, East Java. At early begin, this dance was used as an opening show before Ludruk show. In times, this dance is practically performed as a welcome dance in special occasion like state ceremonies and local arts festival. Remo dance is telling about the struggle of a prince in a battle. Hence, this dance is performed by a man, or today, it is performed by a woman who dressed up like a man. By that case, today, there is a type of…
The Attractive Movement of Remo Dance
Remo Dance Remo dance is originating from Jombang regency, East Java. At early begin, this dance was used as an opening show before Ludruk show. In times, this dance is practically performed as a welcome dance in special occasion like state ceremonies and local arts festival. Remo dance is telling about the struggle of a prince in a battle. Hence, this dance is performed by a man, or today, it is performed by a woman who dressed up like a man. By that case, today, there is a type of…
Mojowarno Church
Mojowarno Church Mojowarno’s Eastern Javanese Christian Church, a history witnesses whom stands still through times changes. As if almighty God whom stays inside, to be a King and a Father. The quotation above is come from the verse of the Bible, which shows the communities’ submission from its local inhabitant, whose trying so hard to construct the church to be an appropriate Abode. Starting from the hidden little garden, this Church was build. By being a minority in the middle of differences, this modesty church had transform dynamically with the…
Sayid Sulaiman Grave
Sayid Sulaiman Grave Friday ‘Legi’ (one of Javanese’s days) Night, the easier expression to remember a ritual activity of pilgrimage to Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman grave, which attended by thousands of people who coming from various place. It is beginning when Mbah Sayyid take hold as Wodli in Kanigoro, Pasuruan. When he had pilgrimage to waliulloh Mbah Raden Alif grave in Mancilan, Mojoagung, he was sick and finally he passed away in that place. This graveyard is in Mancilan, Mojoagung district. Moreover, it is easy to visit, because we can use…