Tourism Destinatons
Candi Mirigambar
Candi Mirigambar terletak di desa Mirigambar, kecamatan Sumbergempol, Tulungagung. Candi ini tersusun dari batu bata. Meskipun hanya berbentuk reruntuhan, akan tetapi keagungannya masih bisa terlihat sampai sekarang.
Keindahan tersebut tercermin pada sisa-sisa reliefnya yang terpahat halus di permukaan batu bata. Relief yang terpahat di Candi Mirigambar ini mengisahkan tentang legenda Angling Dharma, sehingga candi ini sering juga disebut dengan sebutan Candi Angling Dharma.
Candi Mirigambar diperkirakan dibangun pada akhir abad XII hingga akhir abad XIV, sesuai dengan relief angka yang terpahat pada candi ini yakni 1214 Saka dan 1310 Saka. Dari situ pula dapat dilihat bahwa, pembangunan candi Mirigambar tergolong cukup lama, yakni sejak akhir pemerintahan Kertanegara (Singosari) hingga masa pemerintahan Hayam Wuruk (Majapahit).
Banyaknya tinggalan-tinggalan lain di sekitar Candi MiriGambar, mengindikasikan bahwa dahulunya lokasi ini merupakan sebuah komplek percandian yang sangat luas. Sehingga tidak mengherankan jiga pembangunannya memakan waktu yang cukup lama. Tinggalan-tinggalan lain yang berada di sekitar Candi Mirigambar antara lain Bekas Pemandian Mliwis Putih, Candi Tuban, dan reruntuhan candi lain 300 m di timur Candi Mirigambar.

Baronggung Traditional Batik
Baronggung Batik Discussing Batik is never get enough. We can not just stand on Yogyakarta or Solo style, for almost area in Indonesia having their own pattern on Batik motives. In Tulungagung, East Java, is also has particular Batik cloth, which is known as Baronggung Batik. Tulungagung Batik is almost the same with typical of Solo and Yogyakarta Batik, which is taking Mataraman motifs, such as Sido Mukti, Rujak Sente, Kawung. What makes different in Tulungagung is coming from the color. Tulungagung Batik has develop the prominent coloring that is…
Sanggrahan Temple
Sanggrahan Temple Sanggrahan temple or Kuncup temple ws a Buddhist worship temple, the location is in the Sanggrahan Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung, East Java. The temple is square and consists of buildings, body and roof. This temple was the relics of the Majapahit Kingdom, it was built around 1350, was once become a temple to keep the ashes of Majapahit King’s relatives. The temple complex is located on the settlements that is quite fertile, and consists of three buildings, each of which is no longer intact. In general, the temple…
Popoh Beach
Popoh Beach Popoh beach is the interesting tourism object in Tulungagung regency. In this tourism object, you can enjoy the beautiful of nature scenery, astonished with a thousand temples; enjoy the swimming pool, and fauna. This tourism object has managed by the region government of Tulungagung, together with Retjo Pentoeng Cigarettes Company. In this Popoh Beach is also equipped with lodges facility, fish market, marine tourism, and a few places for fishing. The communities around always held a traditional ceremony called ì Labuh Semboyoî by wash away sacrifice of two…
The Sight On Top Of Wonorejo Dam
Wonorejo Dam Wonorejo Dam is located in Wonorejo village, Pagerwojo district, Tulungagung regency, East Java province, Indonesia. It is about 12 km of the center of the city. With about 122 million meters cubic capacity, Wonorejo dam become one of biggest dam in Indonesia, even South-East Asian. Wonorejo dam is declared in 2001 by President of Indonesia , Megawati Soekarnoputri, after built almost 9 years since 1992. Wonorejo dam has function as the power of electricity and source of drink water in East Java province. This dam is also functioned…