Raden Tumenggung Notodiningrat I ...........................................................................  1819 - 1839
 Raden Ario Adipati Notodiningrat II ...........................................................................  1839 - 1884
 Raden Ario Tumenggung Notodiningrat lll .................................................................  1884 - 1894
4  Raden Ario Adipati Soerioadiningrat I ........................................................................  1898 - 1934
( known as Raden Sjarip )
5  Raden Ario Adipati Sam ...............................................................................................  1934 - 1945
6  Raden Soedono .............................................................................................................  1945 - 1950
7  Raden Mas Tumenggung Ronggo Moestedjo ( Federal Regent ) .................................  1947 - 1950
8  Haji Said Hidajat ( holding position only month, March - April ) ................................  1950 - 1950
9  Mas Ngabehi Soentoro .................................................................................................  1950 - 1958
10  Mas Djapan Noto Boedojo ...........................................................................................  1958 - 1959
11  Soendoro Hardjoamidjojo, SH .....................................................................................  1958 - 1959
12  Mochamad Sunan, SH ..................................................................................................  1964 - 1969
13  Kol. Inf. HR. Soewignyo ..............................................................................................  1969 - 1980
14  Kol. Inf. Eddy Slamet ...................................................................................................  1980 - 1985
15  Kol. Inf. H. Abdul Hamid .............................................................................................  1985 - 1995
16  Kol. Inf. Muhammad Said .............................................................................................  1995 -


Singosari Temple, also known as Ken Dedes Temple, was founded in honour to King Kertanegara, the last king of Singosari dynasty who died in 1292 AD. It was erected in 1300 AD at the same time when the ritual Sraddha took place. In the vicinity of the temple there are two gigantic statues called DWARAPALA, . believed to be the entrance guards to the royal palace at that time. (the height = 3,5 m )
Situated at Singosari Sub District, the temple lies approximately 9 kms to the north from Malang.

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