Tourism Destinatons
Wisata Loko Pabrik Gula

Pabrik Gula Semboro yang terletak 35 km, arah Barat Kota Jember didirikan pada masa penjajahan Belanda oleh HENDELES VERENIGING AMSTERDAM (Perusahaan Swasta Belanda) pada tahun 1921 dengan luas lahan tebu 2.103 Ha yang tersebar di wilayah Jember bagian barat dan selatan.
Pada jaman pendudukan Jepang kegiatan PG. Semboro sempat terhenti karena lokasi pabrik dijadikan pabrik soda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemerintahan Jepang. Setelah Indonesia merdeka sampai tahun 1949 PG. Semboro dijadikan pabrik amunisi sebagai suplai persenjataan pejuang Indonesia dalam melawan penjajah Belanda yang ingin kembali menduduki Indonesia.
Mulai tahun 1950 kegiatan penggilingan diaktifkan kembali sampai tahun 1957 yang merupakan nasionalisasi perusahaan asing di Indonesia, yang berarti berakhir pula kepemilikan HVA.
Wisatawan, khususnya wisatawan mancanegara yang berkunjung ke Agrowisata PG. Semboro disamping bernostalgia dengan menaiki loko uap sepanjang 45 km (2 jam perjalanan) juga bisa menikmati pemandangan indah dan sajian tarian, baik pada saat di penginapan maupun di pemberhentian sepanjang perjalanan loko.

Nusa Barong Island – Jember, East Java
Nusa Barung Nusa Barong Island is located in Jember regency, East Java, and this island is one of outstanding natural charms in Java. The island is similar to Phi-phi Island in Phuket. The beach and the nature is very amazing, as there is no limits to its beauty. It may less famous than Sempu island or Karimunjawa island, but the charm of Nusa Barong island is can not be underestimated. It is located in the south of the island of Java and be a part of Jember regency. This island…
The Majestic Nuance Over Papuma Beach, Jember
Papuma Beach The name of Papuma is referring to Pantai Putih Malikan or white sandy beach. Those who are visiting Papuma beach will have a great time sun-bathing or walking over the white sandy path and enjoying the sunset. Besides its natural scenic beauty, Papuma is also rich of exotic animals, such as the lizard, forest cock, various birds, wild pig, deer porcupine, scaly anteater and many others. Papuma Cape Coast is located in the district of Ambulu and Wuluhan, Jember, East Java. Papuma beach is a very exotic beach…
Lean On Papuma
Papuma Beach Beside Watu Ulo beach, there is Papuma beach with its white sands that make it more interesting. The beautiful white sand is pleasure to see and to walk on. The beach is always used as the place for sunbathing by foreign tourists. Besides its natural scenic beauty, it is also rich of animals, such as the lizard, forest cock, various birds, wild pig, deer porcupine, scaly anteater and many others. The scenery and atmosphere can be enjoyed more completely at a restaurant which provides Indonesian and Papuma food,…
The Traditional Cigar
Cigar Industry Cigars are made of rolled dried tobacco leaves. Nusantara Plantation Corporation 10 lies eight kilometers north of Jember. The cigars are exported to Europe, America and Australia. However, it also produces Indonesian cigars for domestic consumption. All visitors can see the process of cultivating seedlings, drying tobacco leaves, picking as well as the making of cigars. Dutch visitors can especially enjoy the nostalgia of the site as they participate in the agro tourism. The first people who introduced the process of tobacco cultivation were the Dutch. Jember became…