Eugene Dubois in his later years

Excavation at Trinil continued through the first decades of this century, but no further supporting evidence came to light. In 1931, however, the significance of Dubois' initial discoveries became known when more skull fragments were found at Ngandong, which also lay on the Solo River. Similar fossils were uncovered at nearby Sangiran In 1936 the remains of a man-like creature were found at Mojokerto and proved to be the earliest yet discovered; the estimated age was an incredible 1.9 million years. 'Java Man' could no longer be ignored.
Despite its historical significance Trinil had nothing to offer interested visitors until the nineteen sixties. when a local farmer named Wirodiharjo built a small house near the original excavation site and began to build up a small collection of fossils, which have continued to be discovered annually by villagers who come to bathe in the river. Wirodiharjo's efforts were rewarded in 1980 when his collection came to the attention of the government and a small museum was built, Wirodiharjo himself becoming honorary keeper.
Now, in 1991, exactly one hundred years since Eugene Dubois unearthed the fossil skull of Pithecanthropus. a new museum has been constructed. On view are numerous fossilized animal remains, the prize exhibits being a three metre long mammoth's tusk and an enormous pair of prehistoric buffalo horns. The museum also preserves some of Eugene Dubois' original documents and photographs, as well as exact replicas of the original skull, molar and femur of Pithecanthropus Erectus.

Ngawi ; working in the rice fields

The Dutch fort at Ngawi, where Dubois worked
as a medical practitioner.

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